The Smoker

Copy of Ostade's "The Smoker"
drawn by THH 1839

Huxley Archives


T.H. Huxley

[Edited by Steven Cann]

[HP 31]

[Cover, P.1]



Sept. 29 – 1840 –





[Inside front cover, P.2]

Philosophy can bake no
bread; but it can procure
for us God[,] freedom & immortality.
Which now is more practical[,]
Philosophy or Economy [?]
Novalis. Schriften Herausgegeben von
L. Tieck und F. Schlegal
Vol. 2 Page 126.



[3] September 29.

October 1.


God help you goose!
    1845 –

[6] October 19


[7] November 1st

[8] 5th.

22nd. Sunday–


1840 ? 1841 see later

January 7. Came to Rotherhithe.

June 20.

Projects Begun


Well do I remember how in that
narrow little surgery I used to
work morning after morning
and evening after evening
at that insufferable dry and
profitless book, Hume’s History.
How I worked against hope
through the series of the series of thefts,
robberies and throat-
cutting in those three first volumes,
and how at length I gave up
the task in utter despair.
Mackintosh’s History, on the
other hand, I remember reading
with great pleasure, and also
Guizot’s Civilization in Europe.
The scientific theoretical form of
the latter especially pleased me,
but the want of sufficient knowledge
to test his conclusions was a great


Projects completed

[14] I must get on faster than
this. I must adopt a
fixed plan of studies, for unless
this is done I find time slips
away without knowing
it–and let me remember
this–that it is better to
read a little and thoroughly, than
cram a crude and undigested mass
into my head, though it be great
in quantity.

[15]Week – June 20 to 27.
   Tuesday Thursday – Physiology
   Monday – Wednesday – Friday
Chronological abstract of reign of
Henry III. Edward 1st. And IInd and IIIrd.
Evenings – 1st 14 theorems and arithmetical properties.
Saturday – Read over atomic theory
and laws of combination and electricity.
Turner and Manuel.
   An hour every afternoon for German.


[Top of page cut away]

[16] Week June 27 to July 4.

Week July 4 to 11.

Week August 2 to 9

Is nothing worth mentioning
in the latter part of July except

out from 15 to 19th. – 19th to 28th
engage in making an electromagnet.
21st. to 31st. – read Guizot’s "History
of Civilization". An excellent
work – very tough reading though.

[18] September 27th 1841 – to – October 4

Laid out for this week Monday Tuesday


[Drawn vertically]




MathematicsLogicTheology MoralityHistoryPhysiologyPhysics

[20] 1842 – January 30th

Sunday Evening –