[To find a publication by name, please use the search feature on your web browser.]
This list comprises works about Huxley published after 1900.
Abbott, David. Huxley, Thomas Henry. The Biographical Dictionary of Scientists: Biologists.N. Y. 1984.
Adam, L. A Huxley Echo in "Middlemarch." Notes and Queries 209 (1964): 227.
Adams, James Eli. Woman Red in Tooth and Claw: Nature and the Feminine in Tennyson and Darwin. Victorian Studies 33 (1989): 7-27.
Adams, R. N. T. H. Huxley and His Clan. Scientific American 219 (1968): 135-39.
Ainsworth-Davis. J. R. Thomas H. Huxley. London 1907.
Allen, D. E. The Naturalist in Britain: A Social History. London 1978.
– Huxley's Botanist Brother-in-Law. Annals of Natural History 11 (1983): 191-93.
Altholz, Josef L. The Huxley-Wilberforce Debate Revisited. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 35 (1980): 313-16.
Ames, Robert and Philip Siegelman, eds. The Idea of Evolution: Readings in Evolutionary Theory and Its Influence. Minneapolis 1957.
Annan, Noel. Thomas Henry Huxley. Times Educational Supplement 2086 (May 13, 1955): 476.
Anon. Apes and Bishops. Scientific American 190 (March 1954): 52.
Anon. High Victorian Science: The Recipes for Survival of Three Scientific Cinderellas. Times Literary Supplement 71 (Nov. 3, 1972): 1301-02.
Anon. Huxley Centenary Celebrations, by an Unscientific Observer. Phoenix 10 (1925):130-32.
Anon. Huxley and Natural Selection. Scientific American Supplement 59 (April 29, 1905): 2451--16. ???
Anon. Professor Huxley on Evolution. Science 207 (1980) 750 15 ?
Anon. Thomas Huxley and the Victorian Mind. 120 (May 1925): 509-10.
Armstrong, A. MacC. Samuel Wilberforce v. T. H. Huxley: A Retrospect. The Quarterly Review 296 (1958): 426-37.
Armstrong, H. E. Huxley's Message in Education. The Centenary of Huxley. Nature (1925): 743-47.
– Our Need to Honour Huxley's Will. London 1914.
– Pre-Kensington History of the Royal College of Science and the University Problem. London 1921.
Armstrong, Richard A. Agnosticism and Theism in the Nineteenth Century – An Historical Survey of Religious Thought. London 1905.
Armytage, W. Matthew Arnold and T. H. Huxley: Some New Letters, 1870-1880. Review English Studies (1953): 346-53.
Ashforth, Albert. Spokesman for Darwin and for Science. New York Times Magazine (April 7, 1963): 63, 74, 76.
– Thomas Henry Huxley. N. Y. 1969.
Ashwell A. R. and Reginald G. Wilberforce. Life of the Right Reverend Samuel Wilberforce, D. D. 3 vols. London 1881.
Averbury, John Lubbock. Huxley's Life and Work. Nature 63 (1900):92-96, 116-19.
Ayres, Clarence. Huxley. N. Y. 1932.
Baker, William J. Thomas Huxley in Tennessee. The South Atlantic Quarterly 73 ( 1974): 475-86.
Band, Henretta Trent. Thomas Henry Huxley's Opposition to Evolutionary Ethics. Michigan Academician. 23:4 (1991): 345-67.
Barbar, Lynn. The Heyday of Natural History . N. Y. 1980.
Barnes, B., and S.Shapin, eds, Natural Order: Historical Studies of Scientific Culture (Sage, 1979).
Barr, Alan P. Evolutionary Science and the Woman Question. Victorian Literature and Culture 20 (1992):25-54.
– Thomas Henry Huxley’s Place in Science and Letters. Centenary Essays. Univ. of Georgia Press, 1997.
– "Common Sense Clarified": Thomas Henry Huxley’s Faith in Truth, in Barr, Alan, Thomas Henry Huxley’s Place in Science and Letters 1997.
Bartholomew, Michael. Huxley's Defence of Darwin. Annals of Science 32 (Nov. 1975): 525-35.
– The Non-Progress of Non-Progression: Two Responses to Lyell's Doctrine. British Journal of the History of Science 9 (1976): 166-74.
Barrett, M. H. M. S. Rattlesnake's Australia-New Guinea Cruise, 1846 to 1850. Melbourne 1966.
Barton, Ruth. The X Club: Science, Religion, and Social Change in Victorian England. Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania 1976.
– John Tyndall, Pantheist: A Rereading of the Belfast Address. Osiris, 2d series, 3 (1987): 111-34.
– "An Influential Set of Chaps": The X Club and Royal Society Politics 1964-85. British Journal for the History of Science 23 (1990): 53-81
Barton, R., 'Scientific Opposition to Technical Education', in M. D. Stephens and G. W. Roderick eds, Scientific and Technical Education in Early Industrial Britain (University of Nottingham1981): 13-27.
– Evolution: The Whitworth Gun in Huxley's War for the Liberation of Science from Theology. In D. R. Oldroyd and L. Langham, eds. The Wider Domain of Evolutionary Thought. Dondrecht 1983.
– "Huxley, Lubbock, and Half a Dozen Others" Professionals and Gentlemen in the Formation of the X Club, 1851-1864. Isis 1998 . 410-44.
Bassett, Marnie. Behind the Picture: H.M.S. Rattlesnake's Australia-New Cuinea Cruise. Melbourne 1966.
Bateson, W. Huxley and Evolution. The Centenary of Huxley. Nature (1925): 715-17.
Bayliss, Robert A. A Note on T. H. Huxley and the Society of Arts. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics I (1977): 21-25.
Beale, E. Kennedy of Cape York. Adelaide 1970.
Bell, Whitfield J. Huxley, Tyndall, and American Gold: a letter of Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1872. In Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 20 (1965).
Benn, A. W. The History of English Rationalism in the Nineteenth Century, 2 vols. N. Y. 1906.
Benson, K. R. 'From Museum Research to Laboratory Research: The Transformation of
Natural History into Academic Biology', in Rainger, Benson and Maienschein American Development of Biology, 49-83.
Bergson, Henri. Life and Consciousness. Huxley Memorial Lectures. Birmingham 1914.
Berman, Milton. John Fiske: The Evolution of a Popularizer. Cambridge (U. S.) 1961.
Bevington, Merle M. The Saturday Review, 1855-1868: Representative Educated Opinion in Victorian England. N. Y. 1941.
Bibby, Cyril. T. H. Huxley: His Place in Education. Ph.D. dissertation for the University of London (1955).
– The Huxley-Wilberforce Debate: A Postscript. Nature 176 (1955): 363.
– The South London Working Men's College: A Forgotten Venture. Adult Education 28 ( 1955): 211-21.
– T. H. Huxley and Medical Education. Charing Cross Hospital Gazette 54 (1956):191-95.
– T. H. Huxley and Technical Education. Journal of the Royal Society of Art. 104 ( 1956): 810-20.
– T. H. Huxley and the Training of Teachers. Educational Review 8 (1956): 137-45.
– T. H. Huxley's Idea of a University. Universities Quarterly (1956): 377-90.
– A Victorian Experiment in International Education. British Journal of Education 5 (1956): 25-36.
– Huxley: Prince of Controversialists. Twentieth Century 161 (1957): 268-77.
– The First Year of the London School Board: The Dominant Role of T. H. Huxley. Durham Research Review II (September 1957):
– Science as an Instrument of Culture: An Examination of the Views of T. H. Huxley. Researches and Studies 15 (1957): 1-17.
– T. H. Huxley and the Universities of Scotland. Aberdeen University Review 37 (1957):134-49.
– Thomas Henry Huxley and University Development. Victorian Studies 2 (1958): 97-116.
– Huxley and the Reception of the "Origin." Victorian Studies 3 (1959): 76-86.
– T. H. Huxley, Scientist, Humanist and Educator. N. Y. 1959.
– ed., The Essence of T.H. Huxley. London 1967.
– ed., T. H. Huxley on Education: A Selection from His Writings. London 1971.
– Scientist Extraordinary: The Life and Scientific Work of Thomas Henry Huxley. Oxford 1972.
Bicknell, John W. Neologizing. Times Literary Supplement (June 29, 1973): 749.
– Thomas Henry Huxley. In Victorian Prose: A Guide to Research, ed. David J. DeLaura, 495-506. N. Y. 1973.
Bishop, P. O. Grafton Elliot Smith's Contribution to Visual Neurology and the Influence of Thomas Henry Huxley. In Grafton Elliot Smith. eds. A. P. Elkin and W. G. Macintosh. Sydney 1974.
Blinderman, Charles S. The Oxford Debate and After. Notes and Queries 202 (1957): 126-28.
– Thomas Henry Huxley. Scientific Monthly 84 (1957): 171-82.
– John Tyndall: Poet of Science. The Humanist 74:12 (1959): 19-20.
– The Docker Sparks Case. Notes and Queries 6:11 (1959 N.S.): 457-58.
– John Tyndall and the Victorian New Philosophy. Bucknell Review 9 (1961): 281-90.
– Humanistic Aspects of Darwinism. Faith and Freedom 14:41 (1961): 57-66.
– Huxley and Kingsley. Victorian Newsletter 20 (1961): 25-28.
– Semantic Aspects of T. H. Huxley's Literary Style. Journal of Communication 12 (1962): 171-78.
– T. H. Huxley's Theory of Aesthetics: Unity in Diversity. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 21 (1962): 49-55.
– Thomas Henry Huxley on the Jews. Jewish Social Studies, 25 (1963): 57-61.
– A Re-evaluation of T. H. Huxley's Philosophy. Rationalist Annual 40 (1966): 50-62.
– The Great Bone Case. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 14 (1971): 370-93.
– "Charles Darwin" Dictionary of Literary Biography: Victorian Prose Writers. 57 (1987):50-70.
– Vampurella: Darwinism and Dracula. Massachusetts Review (1980), 411-14.
– Huxley, Pater, and Protoplasm. Journal of the History of Ideas 3 (1982):477-86.
– Unnatural Selection: Creationism and Evolutionism. Journal of Church and State 24 (1982): 73-86.
– The Curious Case of Nebraska Man. Science 85, 6:5 (June 1985), 46-49.
– Mudlarks of the Thames: Victorian Economy as Scientific Metaphor. Journal of Popular Culture (Fall, 1993)
– "The Descent of Words," T. H. Huxley as Etymologist Language Quarterly 33 (Summer-Fall 1995), 224-41.
– "T. H. Huxley: Essayist," The Encyclopedia of the Essay (Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998).
– "Alfred Russel Wallace," Dictionary of Literary Biography: Victorian Social Reformers (1998).
Block, Ed., Jr. T. H. Huxley's Rhetoric and the Mind-Matter Debate, 1868-1874. Prose Studies, 1800- 1899 8 (1985): 21-39.
– T. H. Huxley's Rhetoric and the Popularization of Victorian Scientific Ideas, 1854-1874. Victorian Studies 29 (Spring 1986): 363-86.
– T. H. Huxley's "Evolution and Ethics" with New Essays on Its Victorian and Sociobiological Context. Victorian Studies 34:4 (1991): 498-500.
Bodmer, George R. The Technical Illustration of Thomas Henry Huxley in Barr, Alan, Thomas Henry Huxley’s Place in Science and Letters 1997.
Bolt, C. Victorian Attitudes to Race. London 1971.
Bond, F. D. Huxley Theologian. Christian Century 43 (Feb. 25, 1926): 250-52.
Bonney, Thomas George. Annals of the Philosophical Club of the Royal Society, Written from Its Minute Books. London 1919.
Bowden, M. "T. H. Huxley," in The Rise of the Evolution Fraud. Creation-Life Publishers, 1982.
Bower, F. O. Teaching of Biological Science. The Centenary of Huxley. Nature (1925): 712-14.
– Thomas Henry Huxley, 1825-1925. Glasgow 1925.
– The Origin of a Land Flora. Huxley Memorial Lectures. London 1932.
Bowler, Peter. Fossils and Progress: Paleontology and the Idea of Progressive Evolution in the Nineteenth Century. N. Y. 1976.
– Evolution. Berkeley 1984.
– Theories of Human Evolution: A Century of Debate, 1844-1944. Oxford 1986.
– The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinterpreting a Historical Myth. Baltimore 1988.
– Life’s Splendid Drama: Evolutionary Biology and the Reconstruction of the History of Life on Earth, 1870-1930. Chicago 1996.
– Development and Adaptation: Evolutionar;y Concepts in British Morphology, 1870-1914. British Journal of the History of Science 11 (1989):283-97.
– Holding Your Head up High: Degeneration and Orthogenesis in Theories of Human Evolution. In James Moore, ed., History, Humanity and Evolution. Cambridge (U.S.) 1989.
– Thomas Henry Huxley and the Reconstruction of Life’s Ancestry in Barr, Alan, Thomas Henry Huxley’s Place in Science and Letters 1997.
Boyer, James A. Thomas Henry Huxley and His Relation to the Recognition of Science in English Education. Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1949.
Boys, C. V. Personal Impressions. The Centenary of Huxley. Nature (1925): 751.
Brantlinger, Patrick, ed. Energy & Entropy: Science and Culture in Victorian Britain. Bloomington 1989.
Brantlinger, Patrick. Thomas Heny Huxley and the Imperial Archive in Barr, Alan, Thomas Henry Huxley’s Place in Science and Letters 1997.
Bridges, Horace. Thomas Henry Huxley: A Centenary Tribute. The God of Fundamentalism. Chicago 1926.
Brooke, J. H., Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives (Cambridge, Eng. 199I).
Brooks, William K. The Lesson of the Life of Huxley. Washington 1901.
Brown, Alan W. The Metaphysical Society: Victorian Minds in Crisis, 1869-1880. N. Y.1947.
Brown, Richard H. Rhetoric and Science of History: The Debate Between Evolutionism and Empiricism as a Conflict of Metaphors. Quarterly Journal of Speech 72 (1986): 148-61.
Browne, E. J. The Charles Darwin-Joseph Hooker Correspondence: An Analysis of Manuscript Resources and Their Use in Biography. Journal Social Bibliography of Natural History 8 (1978): 351-66.
Buck, Philip Melvyn, ed. Selected Essays and Addresses of Thomas Henry Huxley. N. Y. 1921.
Burchfield, J. D. Lord Kelvin and the Age of the Earth. N. Y. 1975.
Burhoe, Ralph W. On Huxley's Evolution and Ethics in Sociobiological Perspective. Zygon 23 (1988): 54-67.
Burke, John Butler. The Agnostic's Insufficiency. The Dublin Review 178 (Jan. 1926): 13-26.
Burrow, J. W. Evolution and Anthropology in the 1860's: The Anthropological Society of London, 1863-71. Victorian Studies (1963): 137-54.
– Evolution and Society: A Study in Victorian Social Theory (Cambridge, Eng. 1966).
Butcher, B. W. Gorilla Warfare in Melbourne: Halford, Huxley, and "Man's Place in Nature." In R. W. Home, ed., Australian Science in the Making. London 1988.
Butler, Samuel, Evolution Old and New (London 1879).
Butler, S. V. F., Centers and Peripheries: The Development of British Physiology, 1870-1914. Journal of the History of Biology 21 (1988):473-500.
Cadman, S. Parkes. Charles Darwin and Other English Thinkers. London 1911.
Campbell, Elisa K. Beyond Anthropocentrism. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 19 (1983): 54-67.
Cannon, Walter F. The Normative Role of Science in Early Victorian Thoughts. Journal of the History of Ideas 25 (1964): 487-502.
– Scientists and Broad Churchmen. Journal British Studies 4 (1964): 65-88.
Caron, J. A., 'Biology" in the Life Sciences: A Historiographical Contribution. History of Science 26 (1988): 223-68.
Cardwell, D. S. L., The Organisation of Science in Englan d (Heinemann, 1972).
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Carroll, P. T. American Science Transformed. American Scientist 74 (S1986): 466-85.
Carter, Neal E. The Political Side of Science: Communication between Scientists and the Public. Vital Speeches of the Day 52 (1986): 558-61.
Castell, Alburey, ed. Selections from the Essays of Thomas Henry Huxley. N. Y. 1948.
Catlett, Stephen. Huxley, Hutton and the "White Rage": a Debate on Vivisection at the Metaphysical Society. Archives of Natural History 11 (1983): 181-89.
Caudill, Edward, ed. Darwinism in the Press: The Evolution of an Idea. Hillsdale, N.J., 1989.
– The Bishop-Eaters: The Publicity Campaign for Darwin and On the Origin of Species, Journal of the History of Ideas 55 (1994): 441-60.
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Chadwick, J. W. Thomas Henry Huxley: A Doubter's Faith Boston 1901.
Chadwick, O. The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century . Cambridge (U. K.) 1975.
Chandler, Alice. Literature and Science: or, The Two Cultures and Some Reciprocities between Them. Mid-Hudson Language Studies 5 (1982): 9-19.
Chen-Tzu-yun. Yen Fu's Translation of Huxley's Evolution and Ethics. Tamkang Review l3:2 (1982): 111-35.
Cherry, Douglas. The Two Cultures of Matthew Arnold and T. H. Huxley. Wascana Review 1 (1966): 53-61.
Chesterton, Cecil. An Agnostic Defeat. Dublin Review 150 (Jan. 1912): 162-72.
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– The Art of Controversy. Catholic World 105 (1917): 446-56.
– The Huxley Heritage. American Review 8 (1937): 484-87.
Clack, J. A. Pholiderpeton scutigerum Huxley, an amphibian from the Yorkshire coal measures. London 1987.
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Clausen, Christopher. Agnosticism, Religion, and Science: Some Unexamined Implications. Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association 30 (1976): 73-86.
Clodd, Edward. The Right Hon. Thomas Henry Huxley Daily Chronicle (July 1, 1895).
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– Professor Huxley. Edinburgh 1905.
– Pioneers of Evolution, from Thales to Huxley. London 1907.
– Memories. London 1916.
– Evolution and Man. The Centenary of Huxley. Nature 115 (1925): 724-26.
– Thomas Henry Huxley. Century 110 (May 1925): 33-41.
Cockerell, T.D.A. Huxley's Message to the Modern World. The Centenary of Huxley. Nature 115 (1925): 750.
Cockshut, A. O. J. The Unbelievers: English Agnostic Thought, 1840-1890. London 1964.
Cohen, Chapman. God and the Universe: Eddington, Jeans, Huxley, and Einstein, with a Reply to A. S. Eddington. London n.d.
Coleman, D., and T. Mansell. Science, Religion and the London School Board: Aspects of the Life and Work of John Hall Gladstone (1827-1902)', History of Education 24(I995):141-58.
Coleman, W. Morphology between Type Concept and Descent Theory. Journal of the History of Medical and Allied Sciences 31 (1976): 149-75.
Collie, Michael. Huxley at Work. With the Scientific Correspondence of T. H. Huxley and the Rev. Dr George Gordon of Birnie, near Elgin London 1991.
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Crossley, R. Culture and Controversy: A Diagnosis. Massachusetts Review 17 (1976): 405-28.
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Dawes, Ben. A Hundred Years of Biology. London 1952.
Dawson, Warren R. The Huxley Papers: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Correspondence, Manuscripts and Miscellaneous Papers of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Henry Huxley. Imperial College of Science and Technology. London 1946.
Dean, D. R. Through Science to Despair: Geology and the Victorians. Annuals New York Academy of Sciences 190 (1981): 111-36.
Deacon, Margaret. Scientists and the Sea, 1650-1900: A Study of Marine Science. London 1971.
DeBeer, Gavin, ed. Autobiographies: Charles Darwin and Thomas Henry Huxley. London 1974. Desmond, Adrian. Archtypes and Ancestors: Palaeontology in Victorian London, 1850-1875. Chicago 1984.
– 'The Making of Institutional Zoology in London 1822-1836. History of Science 23 (1985): 153-85, 224-50.
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– Artisan Resistance and Evolution in Britain, 1819-1848. Osiris 3 (1987): 77-110.
– The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, Medicine, and Reform in Radical London. Cambridge (U.K.) 1989.
– Darwin, Huxley, and the Natural Sciences. Isis 84 (1993): 594-95.
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Desroches, Rosny. L'Utopia: Evasion ou anticipation? In Mathe Allain, ed. France and North America: Utopias and Utopians. Lafayette 1978.
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– Order or Process of Nature: Huxley's and Darwin's Different Approaches to Natural Sciences. Journal History of Philosophy of Life Sciences 2 (1981): 217-41.
– The Dinosaur Connection: A Reinterpretation of T. H. Huxley's Evolutionary View. Journal of the History of Biology 15 (1982): 397-418.
– T. H. Huxley's Place in Natural Science. New Haven 1984.
– A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Carl Gegenbaur, Ernst Haeckel, the Vertebrate Theory of the Skull, and the Survival of Richard Owen, Journal of the History of Biology 28 (1995):247-80.
– Thomas Henry Huxley and the Status of Evolution as Science in Barr, Alan, Thomas Henry Huxley’s Place in Science and Letters 1997.
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Dockrill, D. W. The Origin and Development of Nineteenth Century English Agnosticism. Historical Journal l (1971): 3-31.
– T. H. Huxley and the Meaning of "Agnosticism." Theology 74 (1971): 461-77.
Douglas, Robert V. Huxley's Critique from Social Darwinism. In Critics of Henry George. Ed. R. V. Anderson. N. J. 1979.
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Edel, Leon. Henry James: The Conquest of London 1870-1881.
Edwards, Francis. Man and Civilization. London 1923.
Eisen, Sydney. Huxley and the Positivists. Victorian Studies 7 (June 1964): 337-58.
– and Bernard Lightman, Victorian Science and Religion: A Bibliography with Emphasis on Evolution, Belief, and Unbelief, Comprised of Works Published from c. 1900-1975. Hamden, 1984.
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– Public Opinion and the Press: Reaction to Darwinism. Journal of the History of Ideas 19 (1958): 379-87.
– Darwin's Theory and Nineteenth-Century Philosophies of Science. Journal of the History of Ideas 18 (June 1957): 362-93.
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Fawcett, J. W.,Thomas Henry Huxley Unity, 9 5 (1925):Z07-IO.
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– A Century of Science and other Essays. Boston 1899.
– Essays, Historical and Literary. N. Y. 1902.
Fitter, Richard S. Six great naturalists: White, Linnaeus, Waterton, Audubon, Fabre, Huxley. London 1959.
Fleissner, R.F. Did not T.H. Huxley's "Piece of Chalk" Leave Its mark on the Canon? Clues: A Journal of Detection (1993) 14:2, 81-89.
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– The Presumption of Atheism, and other Philosophical Essays on God, Freedom and Immortality. London 1976.
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Foden, F. E. Popular Science Examinations of the Nineteenth Century. Journal Royal Institute of Chemistry 87 (1963): 6-9.
Foley, Louis. The Huxley Tradition of Language Study. Modern Language Journal 26:1 (Jan. 1942), 14-20.
Foote, G. W. What Is Agnosticism? With observations on Huxley, Bradlaugh, and Ingersoll, and a reply to George Jacob Holyoake; also a defense of atheism. London 1902.
Forgan, S. and G. Gooday, Constructisng South Kensington: The Building and Politics of
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Foster, C. The Influence of Science Teaching on the Development of Secondary Education. Ph.D. thesis, University of London. 1940.
Foster, Michael. See Bibliography 2.
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Friday, James. A Microscopic Incident in a Monumental Struggle: Huxley and Antibiosis in 1875. British Journal for the History of Science 7 (1974): 61-71.
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Gantz, Kenneth F. The Beginnings of Darwinian Ethics, 1859-1871. Studies in English (1939), 180-209.
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Geddes, Patrick. Huxley as Teacher. The Centenary of Huxley. Nature 115 (1925): 740-43.
Geison, Gerald L. The Protoplasmic Theory of Life and the Vitalist-Mechanist Debate. Isis, 60 (1969), 273-92.
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The following list, though incomplete, is the most comprehensive available of Huxley Memorial Lectures.
1896- | |
Lionel Elvin White Paper or black reaction | |
1896 | Foster, M. The Huxley lecture on recent advances in science and their bearing on medicine and surgery |
Medicin und Chirurgie : gelesen in der Charing Cross Hospital Medical School zu London am | |
1900- | |
1900 | Lister, Joseph. The Huxley lecture |
1902 | Cunningham, D. J. Right-handedness and left-brainedness |
1904 | Deniker, Joseph, 1852-1918. Les six races composants la population actuelle de l'Europe |
1904 | Macewen, William. The Huxley lecture on the function of the caecum and appendix |
1904 | Foster, Michael. The Work and Influence of Thomas Henry Huxley. |
1905 | Beddoe, John |
1905 | Poulton, E. B. Thomas Henry Huxley and the Theory of Natural Selection. |
1906 | Petrie, W. M. Flinders Migrations |
1907 | Thomson, Sir. J. J. The Influence of Recent Discoveries in Electricity on Our Conceptions of Matter and Ether. |
1908 | Ross, Ronald. Malaria. |
1909 | Bateson, William. Mendelian Heredity. |
1910- | |
1910 | Dawkins, William Boyd. The arrival of man in Britain in the Pleistocene age |
1910 | Gardner, Percy. Rationalism and Science in Relation to Social Movements. |
1911 | Bergson, Henri. Life and Consciousness. |
1912 | Joly, John. Pleochroic Haloes. |
1912 | Luschan, Felix von. The early inhabitants of western Asia. |
1913 | Evans, Arthur. The Ages of Minos. |
1914 | Lodge, Oliver Introduction Huxley memorial lectures to the University of Birmingham. |
1916 | Frazer, James George. Ancient stories of a great flood. |
1920- | |
1920 | Haddon, Alfred C. Migrations of cultures in British New Guinea. |
1921 | Balfour, Henry, 1863-1939. The archer's bow in the Homeric poems. An attempted diagnosis. |
1922 | Boule, Marcellin. The anthropological work of Prince Albert I of Monaco, and the recent progress of human paleontology in France. |
1924 | Verneau, R. La race de Neanderthal et la race de Grimaldi : leur role dans l'humanite. |
1925 | Evans, Arthur. The early Nilotic, Libyan and Egyptian relations with Minoan Crete. |
1927 | Mitchell, P. Chalmers. Logic & law in biology. |
1927 | Hrdlicka, Ales. The Neanderthal phase of man. |
1928 | Smith, Grafton Elliot. Conversion in science. |
1929 | Nordenskiold, Erland. The American Indian as an inventor. |
1930- | |
1930 | Sayce, A. H. The antiquity of civilized man. |
1931 | Thilenius, Georg. On some biological view-points in ethnology. |
1932 | Seligman, C. G. Anthropological perspective and psychological theory. |
1933 | Armstrong, Henry Edward. Our need to honour Huxley's will. |
1934 | Hjort, Johan. The restrictive law of population. |
1934 | Stein, Aurel. The Indo-Iranian borderlands: their prehistory in the light of geography and of recent explorations. |
1935 | Dale, Henry H. Viruses and heterogenesis. An old problem in a new form. |
1935 | Smith, Grafton Elliot. The place of Thomas Henry Huxley in anthropology. |
1936 | Edward Westermark. Methods in Social Anthropology. |
1937 | Mauss, Marcel. Une categorie de l'esprit humain: la notion de personne, celle de"moi";un plan de travail. |
1939 | Moir, J. Reid. The earliest men |
1939 | Marett, R. R. Charity and the struggle for existence. |
1940- | |
1941 | Breuil, Henri. The discovery of the antiquity of man; some of the evidence. |
1942 | Woolley, Leonard. North Syria as a cultural link in the ancient world. |
1943 | Bartlett, Frederic C. Anthropology in reconstruction. |
1944 | Childe, V. Gordon. Archaeological ages as technological stages. |
1945 | Kroeber, A. L. The ancient Oikoumene as an historic culture aggregate. |
1946 | Thompson, Gertrude. The Aterian industry: its place and significance in the Palaeolithic world. |
1947 | Duckworth, W. L. H. Some complexities of human structure. |
1950- | |
1953 | Ginsberg, Morris. On the diversity of morals. |
1954 | Vallois, H. V. Neanderthals and Praesapiens. |
1955 | Redfield, Robert . Societies and cultures as natural systems. |
1956 | Haldane, J. B. S. The argument from animals to men : an examination of its validity for anthropology. |
1958 | Clark, Wilfrid E. Le Gros. Bones of contention; Colour and race. |
1960- | |
1960 | Lothrop, Samuel. Early migration to Central and South America. |
1961 | Mourant, A. E. Evolution, genetics, and anthropology. |
1962 | Garrod, Dorothy. The Middle Palaeolithic of the Near East and the problem of Mount Carmel man. |
1963 | Evans-Pritchard, E. The Zande State. |
1964 | Koenigswald, G. H. R. von Early man: facts and fantasy. |
1967 | Andrewes, C. H. Viruses and evolution. |
1970- | |
1971 | George Peter. Anthropology's mythology. |
1971 | Whitrow, G. J. ?? |
![]() |