Lab: Object-Relational Mapping with Django

In this lab, you will practice using Django’s object-relational mapping (ORM) functionality.


You should work on this assignment either individually or with a partner.

Based on the Django MiniFacebook example, you will implement Django models for the university database that you used in lab and homework.

Note: Windows users: if you haven’t already, complete Step 2 from my guide to Configuring Windows for Docker Development.

Step 1: Get MiniFacebook Running

Follow the instructions in the the csci220-django repo to get the Django MiniFacebook example running on each of your teammates’ computers.

Step 2: Implement Models

Based on the MiniFacebook examples in django/djangoproject/minifacebook/, you should edit django/djangoproject/university/ to implement Django models for:

You should implement the attributes shown in the csci220-uwsgi repo’s university.sql.

You should refer to the documentation for Django models and Django model fields.

Hint: Consider using a ManyToManyField to represent enrollment.

Step 3: Generate and Apply Migrations

When you edit Django models, the changes don’t take effect until you update the database. This is done in two steps: creating a migration file, and then running it.

Follow the instructions in the the csci220-django repo to create and run a migration file.

Step 4: Access the Admin Interface

Follow the instructions in the the csci220-django repo to access the Django admin interface.

You won’t see the university models yet, since you haven’t yet connected them to the admin interface.

Step 5: Register University Models with Admin Interface

Based on the MiniFacebook examples in django/djangoproject/minifacebook/, you should edit django/djangoproject/university/ to register your models with the admin interface.

After restarting the django container, you should see your models in the admin interface!

Step 6: Add Records to the Database

Use the admin interface to add students, rooms, courses, and enrollments.

Try entering incorrect data, and see how the admin interface handles this.



  1. Your university/ code
  2. Screenshots of data in the admin interface for the university models (i.e., Student, Course, Room, Enrollment)

Only one partner should submit. This lab will count towards your attendance grade.