Pros and Cons of Digital Technologies

As described in the reading, digital technology has a substantial impact on privacy. In class, you will research the benefits and drawbacks of a digital technology.


Read Chapter 2: “Naked in the Sunlight: Privacy Lost, Privacy Abandoned” from Blown to Bits.

In Class

You should complete this activity individually.

Research the pros and cons of a digital technology of your choice. You should choose a digital technology that has an impact on society (i.e., don’t research “the safety of winter tires”). Also, choose a technology that wasn’t mentioned in the reading. For ideas, consider these sources:

You should fill in the template shown below, describing benefits and drawbacks of the technology. Describe at least one social impact of the technology (e.g., privacy concerns, negative effects on certain people, etc.). Reflect on how to maximize the technology’s benefits, while minimizing its drawbacks.


Example: Highway Transponder Systems

Share Your Research

Before the last 20 minutes of class, write your name and the name of the technology you researched on the whiteboard.

Next, form a group of 4 or 5 students. Form groups so that everyone in your group studied a different technology. Go around your group, and have everyone share:


After class, perform additional research about this technology.

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Learning Goals

Students will: