## Form Small Groups for Discussion - Form a small group of 3-5 people - For each prompt: - Discuss the prompt with your group for five minutes - Choose someone to share your group's thoughts with the rest of the class --- ## Prompt 1: Review the Readings - What stood out to you in the readings? - What did you particularly agree or disagree with? - What remaining questions do you have? --- ## Prompt 2: Autonomous Weapons - The Ukrainian drone developer alluded to the benefits of autonomous drones. An autonomous drone can make decisions faster than a human pilot, and can resist electronic jamming. - **What ethical considerations are needed when building autonomous weapons?** --- ## Prompt 3: Military Investment - The United States continuously invests in research and development (R&D) to maintain a lead in military technology - [The U.S. has budgeted $145 billion for military R&D in 2024,](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3326875/department-of-defense-releases-the-presidents-fiscal-year-2024-defense-budget/) which is about 0.5% of U.S. GDP - **Do you think the U.S. should increase, decrease, or maintain this level of funding?** - If you are unsure, what additional information would you need to know to answer this question?