Computing in War

In this class, you will consider the connection between technology and warfare. You will also reflect on the morality of developing military technologies.


First, read Alex Roland’s article on “War and Technology,” which provides historical context about the interaction between warfare and technology.

Next, watch this video about Ukraine’s use of drones in warfare: “Highly technical and highly dangerous: Inside Ukraine’s drone war”

Finally, read Paul Scharre’s short article about a possible future of warfare: “Are AI-Powered Killer Robots Inevitable?”

Prepare for our class discussion by making notes about what stood out to you, what you particularly agreed or disagreed with, things you had questions about, etc.

Optional: Consider also reading:

In Class

Activity 1: Whole Class Discussion

In class, we will start by discussing the readings.

Activity 2: Guided Reading and Paired Discussions

With a partner, complete Unit 5’s Lab 5: Computing in War. With your partner, complete the discussion and written activities shown in green.


Work on your submission individually.

Research a military technology of your choice. The technology should be at least partly computer-based. For example, Switchblade drones, Iron Dome, or Stuxnet. Read and link to at least three articles about the technology. Make sure you understand what it does, and how it has been used. Look for articles that help you answer the question: “If you were an engineer, would you be willing to help develop this technology?”

Write at least 500 words total, answering the questions shown in the template below. You can incorporate ideas from the discussion, but all the writing for this assignment should be your own. Also, share any thoughts on how this activity could be improved in the future. Submit your response as a PDF.


Learning Goals

Students will: