## Form Small Groups for Discussion - Form a small group of 3-5 people - For each prompt: - Discuss the prompt with your group for five minutes - Choose someone to share your group's thoughts with the rest of the class --- ## Prompt 1: Review the Readings - What stood out to you in the readings? - What did you particularly agree or disagree with? - What remaining questions do you have? --- ## Prompt 2: Technological Change and Art - Some artists (e.g., illustrators) are concerned about losing work because of AI-generated art - **Do you think this is likely? What, if anything, should artists do?** - Technological disruptions have occurred in the art world before. For example, consider the effect of photography on fine artists (e.g., portraiture, landscape painting, etc.). - **How is the emergence of AI-generated art similar to and different from earlier technological disruptions?** --- ## Prompt 3: AI Art and Copyright - Image synthesis models are trained by analyzing millions of images created by historic and current artists, typically without permission. Courts are likely to find that training AI models doesn't violate copyright. - Critics of AI art argue it’s unfair to train AI on a living artist’s work and mimic their style, fearing AI will reduce demand for the artist’s work. - At the same time, copyright law doesn't (yet) allow AI art itself to be copyrighted. - Some proponents of AI art argue it is no different from photography, and that AI art should be copyrightable. - **Should copyright law be changed? To protect traditional artists? To protect AI artists?**