Recitation 8: Intellectual Property


Prepare for recitation by reading these articles about intellectual property and copyright law:

Note that as a Clark student, you can register for free access to the New York Times.

At Recitation

First, the instructor will guide you through the discussion on page 1 of the BJC lab on copyrights.

Next, you should read the information on pages 2 to 5.

At this point, you should have a basic understanding of copyright law, so you are prepared for the activity!

Activity: Using Media in Programs

You can complete this activity either individually or with a partner.

In this activity you will create a creative program of your choice. The program should include at least three images and/or sounds from online, and must be compliant with copyright law. I recommend looking for media that is either public domain or has a Creative Commons (or similar) license. These websites are a good starting point:

For sounds:

For images:

You can also search for Creative Commons licensed images using Google: just select “Tools,” “Usage Rights,” “Creative Commons licenses.”

Google searching for 'dog' with the 'Creative Commons licenses' filter gives results from Wikimedia Commons and other sources.

Keep track of the images and sounds you use, so you can provide attribution! You should provide attribution as shown in the example below.

Note: Snap’s sound playback works better in Chrome than in Safari.

Example: Pet Shop


Ensure that all teammates submit to Moodle. You should both upload a PDF containing: