Final Project Presentations

Presentation Guidelines

When you present, you should:

Note: You should add slides for your presentation to the Google Doc linked from Moodle. To make the presentations efficient, all teams will use the podium computer. So be sure to include everything you need for your presentation in the Google Doc (e.g., a link to your Snap! project).

Note: Presentations should last 5-10 minutes, and all team members should be involved. In preparation, you should rehearse your presentation together at least once.

Try Each Other’s Projects

After all teams have finished presenting, you should set up your project on lab computers, at least one for each member of your team. Then, you should go around the room and try every team’s projects.

Vote on Your Favorite

After trying all the projects, you should cast your vote for your favorite project. When we share the projects on the course website, this project will get a “Student Favorite” badge. Here are a few things to consider when voting: