
Creating projects

To create a project with Netbeans:
  1. New Project
  2. Select C/C++, with the option C/C++ Application
  3. Uncheck "Create Main File" (you'll provide your own)
  4. Click "Finish"
  5. Find "Source Files" under the new project.
  6. Right click on "Source Files", select "Add Existing Item..."
  7. Navigate to add desired .c files
  8. When appropriate, add header (".h") files by doing a similar thing for "Header Files."
  9. The hammer icon builds the project; the hammer/broom icon cleans and builds it. Makefile is automatically generated.
  10. The play button builds and runs the program.

To create a project with Xcode:
  1. new/project
  2. select Command Line Tool
  3. make sure to select C language
  4. create
  5. Find "Source Files" under the new project.
  6. delete main.c
  7. right click on project folder, "Add Files to """
  8. select .h and .c files to add
  9. hit play button (Makefile is automatically generated)

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