Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1229. William Phelps. Born ca 1592 in England.114 William died in Windsor, CT on 14 Jul 1672.114

In 1630 William came to Dorchester, MA, on the Mary and John, with Rev. Warham, of whose church, formed in Plymouth, England, he was an original member. He was accompanied by his wife and five children and by his younger brothers, George and Richard. In the spring of 1636 he removed with his children to Windsor. He resided in Windsor about three-quarters of a mile northwest of Broad St. on the road to Poquonock.115

Myrtle Stevens Hyde in her article “The English origin of William Phelps,” The American Genealogist 58 (1982) 243-244, rejects William of Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England, as the father of immigrant William Phelps. That William’s son William had a son baptized in England in 1619, so could not be this one.

DNA testing has shown the two immigrants to Winsdor, Connecitcut, George Phelps and William Phelps, are not biologically related in recent historical times.

From The Phelps Family of America, 116by Oliver S. Phelps & Andrew T. Servin, Pittsfield, MA, 1899, pages 72-84.
    Mr. Phelps, his wife, six children, and brother George, then unmarried, emigrated to New England in the ship Mary and John, of four hundred tons burden, commanded by Captain Squeb, with one hundred and forty passengers. This company had been organized into a church and selected their ministers the day before sailing.
    They sailed from Plymouth, England, March 20th, 1630, arriving and landing at Nantasket, now Hull, Mass., May 30th, 1630.
    This company settled in Dorchester, Mass., the first settlers and founders of that place.
Dorchester claims the honor of being the first town in the Massachusetts Colony to organize a town government.
 Mr. Phelps took an active position in town matters, and during the first six months was made a freeman.
 The following reference is made to him in the Massachusetts Colonial Records, where his name is spelled Felps, Phelips and Phelps.
    Oct. 19th, 1630, William Phelps applied to be made freeman.
    Nov. 9th, 1630, he was one of a jury of twelve, empanneled for the trial of Walter Palmer, concerning the death of Austin Brotcher, found not guilty of manslaughter. (This was the first jury trial in the New England Colony.)
    Sept. 27th, 1631, he was chosen constable of Dorchester.
    May 9th, 1632, he was one of a committee of sixteen, chosen by the colony to see about the raising of a public stock.
    March 4th, 1634, one of a committee of three to lay out the bounds between Boston and Roxbury.
1634, William Phelps, Charles Stoughton and George Hull, delegates to the General Court from Dorchester this year.
    May 14th, 1634, he was one of a committee of four to view the ground at Mount Wollaston for the enlargement of Boston, and draw a plan then and report to the next General Court.
    March 4th, 1634, Ensign Gibbs and William Felpes were appointed by the General Court to go with a committee of three to arrange the bounds between Boston and Dorchester, and explain what each town wants.
    May 5th, 1635, he was a member of the General Court from Dorchester, held in Newtown, now Charlestown.
    July 8th, 1635, Mr. Newbury and William Phelps appointed a Committee to set out the bounds between Wessaguscus and Barecove.
    The report of this Committee is interesting, being the style and language of Mr. Phelps.
    The following is a true copy from the Massachusetts Colonial Records:—
    Sept. 3rd, 1635, “The bounds laid out between Hingham and Weymouth, by order of the General Court by Mr Newbury deceased, and William Phelps.”
    “The ryver between Hingham and Waymothe, ruhing on the East syde of the ryver, that creeke being their bounds to the head of it, to an oake marked, and soe their lyne to run into the countrie, upon the same poynt that boundeth Boston and Waymothe. Also wee appoyncted Waymothe to make vse of all the timber on Hingham syde, from a cove called Lovells Cove vpwards in the ryver halfe a myle in bredth and three quarters of a myle in length, for the space of fforty yeares; also wee prhibited Waymothe for making any improuemt of the ground.
    By mee,
    Willm. Phelps.”

    The following references are made to Mr. Phelps in the Dorchester Records:—
    April 3rd, 1633, “It is agreed that a double rayle fence with mortises in the posts of 10 foot distance one from the other, shall be set up in the Marsh, from the corner of Richard Phelps his pale eastward to the creeks, by the owners of the cows under named—proportionably twenty feet to every cow.”
    With others “William Phelps two cows—40 foote.”
    Feb. 10th, 1634, “Among the persons appoynted ‘to view the poles’ for the east field, Will Phelps and Mr. Thomas Stoughton.”
 July 5th, 1635, “It is granted to William Phelps, to fence in two acres and half of dry ground adjoyning to his meadowe ground, in the little neck, in satisfaction for what he wants in his home lot.”
    In this year, 1635, Mr. Phelps’s wife died. In the fall of 1635, the Rev. Mr. Warham with sixty of his Church in Dorchester, removed to the settling of Windsor, Ct. Mr. William Phelps and his family, and brother George, accompanied this expedition, though it is probable that Mr. William Phelps did not go down to Windsor, Ct. till the following spring.
    This journey is thus briefly described by the Historian: “Never before had the forests of America witnessed such a scene as this, driving their cattle before them,—the compass their only guide—through the bewildering mazes of the unbroken forest, commencing and ending each days march, with songs of praise and heartfelt utterances of prayer, which sounded strangely amidst these solitudes. They journeyed on through the chilly November days.” That which is now [1899] a journey of but a few hours behind the iron horse, was then with them (the women, children and cattle) a journey of two weeks.
 How applicable are the wise words of Daniel Webster:—
“We hear the whisperings of youthful impatience, and we see chilled and shivering children, homeless but for a mother’s arms, couchless but for a mother’s breast, until one’s blood almost freezes.”
    At the time of the emigration of the Dorchester colony, and other Massachusetts settlers to Windsor, in 1635, it was supposed to be under the control of the Massachusetts Cornpany, and a commission of seven persons was appointed to govern the new colony, in Connecticut; for one year Mr. William Phelps was one of this commission.
    The following is a textual copy of this commission, from the Massachusetts Colonial Records.
March 3rd, 1636. “A Commission granted to seiiall Persons to govern the people att Conecticott, for the space of a year, now next coming, an Exemplificaeon whereof ensueth:
    Whereas vpon some reason & grounds, there are to remove from this or commonwealth & body of the Mattachusetts in America, dyvrs of or loveing ffriends, neighbrs ffreemen & members of Newe Towne, Dorchester Waterton, & other places, whoe are resolved to transplant themselues & their estates vnto the Ryver of Connecticott, there to reside & inhabiite, & to that end dyvrs are there already dyvrs others shortly to goe, wee, in this present Court assembled, on the behalfe of or said Members & John Winthrop, Junr, Esq. Gounr, appoyncted by certain noble personages & men of qualitie, interested in the said ryvr weh. yet in England, on their behalfe, have had a serious consideracon there (on) & think it meete that where there are a people to sitt down & cohabite, there will followe, vpon occacon, some cause of difference, as also dyvers misdeameanrrs wth will require a speedy redresse; & in regard of the distance of place this state and govmt cannot take notice of the same as to apply timely remedy, or to dispence equall iustice to them, & their affaires, as may be desired; and in regard of the said noble psonages and men of quallitie, have something ingaged themselves & their estates, in the planting of the said ryver & by vertue of a pattent, doe require jurisdiction of the said place & people, & neither the mindes of the said psonages (they being writ unto) are as yet knowen, nor any manner of govnt is yet agreed on, & there being a necesitie, as aforesaid, that some present goumt may be observed, wee therefore thinke mee(te) & soe order that Roger Ludlowe, Esqr., William Pinchon, Esq., John Steele, William Swaine, Henry Smythe, William Phe(lpes), William Westwood & Andrew Warde, or the greater pte of them, shall have full power and aucthoritie to hear and determine in a iudicial way, by witnesses vpon oathe examine, wth(in) the said plantacon, all those differences, wch may arise between ptie and ptie, as also, vpon misdemeanr, to inflicte corporall punishmt, or imprisonmt, to ffine & levy the same if occacon soe require, to make & decree such orders, for the present, that may be for the peaceaable & quiett ordering the affaires of the said plantacon, bothe in tradeing, planting, building, lotts, militarie dissipline, defensiue in warr (if neede so require) , as shall best conduce to the publique good of the same, & that the said Rodger Ludlow, William Pinchon, John Steele, Willm Swaine. Henry Smyth, Willm Phelpes, William Westwood, and Andrew Warner, or the greater pte of them shall have power, under the great pte of their ha(nds) at a day or days, by them appoyncted, upon convenient not(ice), to convent the said inhabitant, of the said towns to any convenient place, that they shall think meete, in a leagall and open manner, by way of Court to pleede in execute(ing) the power and authoritu of aforesaide, and in case of presnt necessitie, two of them joyning to geather to inflict corporall punishmt, upon any offender, if they see good and warentable ground so to doe. Provided always that this commission shall not extend any longer time than one whole year, from the date there of, and in the mean time it shall be lawful for this Cort, to recall the said psens if they see couse, and if soe be ther may be a mutuall, and settled govunt—condecended unto, by and with the good likeing and consent of the said noble psonages, or their agent, the inhabitants and the commonwealth, provided also, that this ma not be any prejudice to the interest of these noble personages in the sd. ryver and confined there of within their small lymitts.”
    Says Trumbull: “The first Court held under this Commission was April 26th, 1636. Mr. Roger Ludlow presiding, present in all, six, of these, Mr. William Phelps was one.”
    Says Stiles, Hist. Windsor: “The town records of Windsor or Dorchester, as it was first called prior to 1650, are not in existence.”
    From Stiles History and other, we gather the following:
    At a Court Feb. 21st, 1637, “It is ordered yt the plantacon called Dorchester shall bee called Windsor.”
    At a Court held May 1st, 1637, Mr. William Phelps presiding, “It is ordered that there shall be an offensive war against the Pequots.”
    The Court held its sessions from time to time, and was legislative, judicial and executive in character.
    In 1638 it being admitted that this Connecticut colony was out of the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts colony, the people of Windsor, Wethersfield, and Hartford, met in Hartford. Jan. 2nd, 1639, and adopted a constitution for the Connecticut colony. This document recognized no authority save God, superior to that delegated by the people.
    This document was drawn up by Mr. Roger Ludlow presiding magistrate, with the assistance of the magistrates, of whom Mr. William Phelps was one.
    From this date to the present time there has been no radical change in the forms or principles of the government of Connecticut.
    This government consisted of five magistrates, of a legislative, judicial and executive character, chosen by the freemen of the colony, and the house of assistants chosen by the towns. This continued up to 1665.
    Mr. Phelps held the office of magistrate, from 1639-1643, and 1656-1662; from 1645-1649 inclusive. He was a deputy also in 1651.
    At a Court held Sept. 9th, 1641, “It was ordered that the governor, Mr. William Phelps, and Capt. Mason, are directed to meet with Phenicke, concerning liberty to make salt in Rhode Island, and to take first act.”
    At a Court held 1642, the first of government on record relating to Simsbury, whose Indian name was “Massaco,” was an order passed by the Court of which Mr. William Phelps was a member, and in these words:
    “It is ordered that the governor, and Mr. Haynes shall have liberty to dispose of that part of land on the river called Massacoe, to such inhabitants of Windsor, as they shall see cause.”
    The following letter of Hon. Charles J. Hoadley, librarian, explains the photographed document, signed by four o£ the magistrates of the Connecticut colony, and written about 1661, and which gives with others the autograph of Mr. William Phelps.
    Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Nov. 19, 1895.
 The body of the document you caused to be photographed is in the handwriting of Daniel Clarke, Secretary of the Colony. The document has no date but was written in 1661, probably in the summer. The filing on the back is in a modern hand and is
 Magistrates attest yt
 Mr Talcott is Treasurer
 of Connecticut Collony & order’d
    to pay 1 st Gov Winthrop £500
    sterling in provisions &c.
    Yours respectfully,
        Charles J. Hoadley.

From Stiles History of Windsor and other records we get:
    "Jan. 4th 1638. Mr. Phelps with Messrs. Haynes, and Ludlow and Hopkins, a Committee to settle Plymouth Colony claims, with the Connecticut Colony, as regards to the Plymouth Colonies’ claims to land on the Connecticut River.”
    Jan. 13th. 1652, Mr. William Phelps, with five others from the town of Windsor, grant to Thomas Parsons, a ferry, on the Connecticut River for one year.
 Dec. 13th. 1653, Mr. William Phelps one of a Committee “to advise with the Constable in preparing twelve men for the Indian War.”
    July 1 6th. 1660, Old Roll Book of Church, Mr. William Phelps paid 7 shillings slip rent, one of the highest rates paid that year.
    April 7th. 1663, To subscription for poor and wanting, in other towns or colonies, Mr. William Phelps 9 shillings.
    April 7th. 1673, A deed recorded in the land office, dated May 15th. 1637, from the Plymouth Company to the Windsor Co. for lands claimed by the Plymouth Co. in Windsor.
    Witnessed—Mr. William Phelps and five others.
    The office of lister or assessor, was one of the earliest created at this time; instead of appraising the land, or property assessed—the land was classed in several grades—in 1675 the 1st. grade was, persons owning a horse, and four oxen; 2nd. grade —owning a horse and two oxen. Mr. William Phelps was of this grade of which at that time there were 42.
    It may be interesting here to notice a few of the laws enacted by our ancestor, Mr. William Phelps, and his associates, and as executed by them, which with others are called the “Blue Laws of Connecticut.”
 Says Stiles, "We find capital crimes more numerous than now. It was a capital offence to worship any other than the True God—to practice adultery—or the crime against nature, or rape, or to blaspheme, or to exercise witchcraft—or to steal men or women—or for children ‘unless brought up in unchristian neglect,’ to curse or to smite, or to be stubborn or rebellious toward their parents.
    Lying in those days was deemed a peculiarly heinous of fence. In 1641 the General Court stigmatized it as a fowl and gross sin,—and Mr. Webster of Hartford and Mr. Phelps of Windsor are requested to consult with the elders of both churches, to prepare instructions against the next Court, for the punishment of the sin of lying.
    In the code of 1650 all persons above the age of 14 years found guilty of lying, are made punishable by fines, stocks or stripes—and punished by parents in presence of officers.
    Open contempt for God’s holy word or ministers was rigorously dealt with. The 1st. offence with reproof, and bonds for good behavior; The 2nd. 5 £, fine, and standing in the pillory on a lecture day, bearing on the breast a paper duly labelled in capital letters, “An open and obstinate contemner of God’s Holy Word.”
    Absence from church was visited by a fine of five shillings.
    Forgery was punished by three days in the pillory—payment of double damage to the injured party, and disqualification as a witness or juryman.
    Fornication by fine,whipping or prohibition to marry. For censure of the General Court the stocks, and the whipping post, which were peculiar institutions of the older times.
    In a case of bastardy tried in the colony in 1639, the Court ordered as follows: “John Edwards, Aaron Stark, and John Williams were censured for unclean practices as follows :
John Edwards and John Williams to stand upon the pillory from the ringing of the first bell to the end of the lecture then to be whipped at the cart’s tail, and to be whipped in a like manner in Windsor in eight days following.
    Aaron Starks, to stand upon the pillory and be whipped as Williams, and to have the letter R burnt upon his cheek, and in regard to the wrong done to Mary Holt, to pay her parents £10 and in defect of such to the commonwealth; and it is the will of the Court that Mr. Ludlow, and Mr. Phelps see some punishment inflicted upon the girl for concealing it so long.

    Branding was a form of punishment not uncommon—burglarly and highway robbery was blazoned with the letter B-A. 2nd. offence by second branding, and a severe whipping.
    Sept., 1644, James Hallett for his theft, is adjudged to restore four fold for what shall be proved before Captain Mason, and Mr. Wolcott, and to be branded in the hand the next training day at Windsor.
    These New England magistrates after the weeks courting and Ordering, entered the meeting house on the Lord's day, and seated themselves in the magistrates pew, and then sang:
        “O God our help in ages past,
 Our hope for years to come,
 Our shelter from the stormy blast,
        And our Eternal home”—etc.
    What changes in laws and costumes, characters and worship since that time! Now [1899] evil speaking, and evil doing and saying are rampant, and infidelity boldly presents itself all over the land.
    The Church in Windsor, with which our ancestor, Mr. William Phelps, and his associates were connected, was, it would appear, organized by them and their associates in Plymonth, old England, early in 1630 as previously stated.
    The call of these emigrants of their first pastors, the Rev. Mr. Warham and Rev. Mr. Mayerick, their acceptance of same, and their installment, by the Rev. John White, in the New Hospital, Plymouth, England, the Sunday before sailing; settling in Dorchester, Mass., and from there to Windsor, Connecticut, in 1635–6, all of which have been mentioned before.
    This church held its 250th. anniversary in 1880. Many of the descendants of Mr. William Phelps, still worship there. This church has had since its organization the following Pastors: Rev. John Warham, John Maverick, Ephraim , Nathaniel Chauncey, Samuel Mather, Jonathan Marsh, William Russell, David S. Rowland, Benjamin Parsons, and Gowan C. Wilson—an average pastorate of about eighteen years.
    “Roll back the curtain of the years and let our eyes behold the distant times, the ancient ways, the stirring men of old, across the stormy deeps they came, the forest wild they trod to find a name for liberty—a temple for their God.”
    Says Stiles's History of Windsor:— “Many of the prominent men of the colony dealt largely in real estate.
    The purchase of the Plymouth Company by the Windsor Company in 1637, of land originally purchased by them of the Indians, was the first land owned by the English in Windsor.
Some time in 1635 Mr. William Phelps purchased of Nassahegan, lands referred to in the above sale, who afterwards, not being able to prove full payment of the same, honestly bought it over again. This transaction is referred to in Stiles as follows:—It is in a deed dated March 31st, 1665.
“These presents testify, whereas there was a parcel of land purchased formerly by Mr. William Phelps, Sen., living in Windsor about thirty years since, of Sehat, an Indian, a Paquanick Sachem, and I (Phelps) not being able to prove full payment of the said purchase in consideration; I now engage to make up the full payment by paying to the said Sehat’s kinsman, Nassahegan, Sachem, of Paquanick, 4 trucking coats, or what upon agreement shall satisfy them to the value thereof.
    The said Nassahegan engaging to make the said parcel of land free, as shall be expressed from any challenge or demands for future time of himself, his heirs or successors, or any other Indian or Indians whatsoever. And Coggerymosset, Sehat’s son, and his sister, and the said Nassahegan’s own sister, shall, subscribe to the said premises. The said parcel of land is thus bounded, as it takes in all the first meadow bounded by the. rivulet, the Indian name being Tauchag, and half of the second meadow according to the running of the river, the Indian name being Pabachimusk; the parcel of land bounds south by a little brook that falls into the river about 40 rods from my own dwelling house, and to extend in length from the river westward upon a line three miles, all the breadth of the said land from the south brook to the middle of the 2nd meadow; which said agreement is made and signed to by us whose names are underwritten, this year of the lord 1665, March 31st—owned already, paid in two coats and 40 s. in wampum for a third coat, and six bushels of Indian corn, and fifteen shillings in wampum for the fourth coat, and fifteen shillings in wampum, is at six a penny.
        Samuel Phelps,
        Matthew Grant,
        John Bartlett,
        Timothy Buckxand.
    Signed by:
        Asuthew, Coggerynosset's sister,
        Patackhouse,Nassahegan's sister,
        Amannawer, Nassahegan's sister,

Says the record—In Feb., 1666, “whereas there are several men that have land within the limits of it (the purchase aforesaid) both meadow and up-land, besides Mr. Phelps and his sons, it was therefore concluded that each man according to his proportion of land, capable of plowing or mowing, shall pay 12 pence per acre to Mr. Phelps; and each man paying to Mr. Phelps should afterwards have a clear title to their several shares of land.”
    (Note)—Says Trumbull's History of Conn.: “In these early days the title of Mister or Mr. was only given to elderly persons of distinction, while all military titles were always used.” William Phelps received this distinguished title of Mr.
    Mr. William Phelps's residence in Windsor, in 1636, was on the road running northerly, and later continued to Poquonoc, and a short distance north of the mill in Mill-river Valley, and was in line with, 1st, Rev. Mr. Warham, Joseph Newbury, John Dorchester, then Mr. William Phelps. He with some of his neighbors were drowned out in the great flood of 1639.
    This annual flood which succeeds the breaking up of the ice in the Connecticut river, commenced this year March 5th, and continued by stormy wind and heavy rainfalls to the iSth, when the waters were at the highest; by the 22nd, at night, they were well fallen, yet it was as high then as ever known by the Indians. Many were drowned out and great numbers of cattle were drowned.
 This lot was sold with a house, in 1642, to Benjamin Newbury, but a transfer in 1662 does not mention a house.
 Soon after the flood Mr. Phelps removed farther north and settled south on the Highlands of what is known on the map as Phelps meadows, on a road running east and west, and on the east side of a road running to Poquonock.
 On land purchased by him of the Indians, his son William resided a short distance east of him. Marks of the cellar of this old house may yet be seen.
    In regard to deed or pawn of his property, it is recorded in the land office after his death—Record of Possession.
    “Whereas it is testified by Nathaniel Gillett, Sen., and Timothy Phelps, that William Phelps in his life time stood possessed in his own right of that orchard land, that lies on the southerly side of the street before his dwelling house, as it is now fenced in, for the space of twenty years at least, without trouble from any person prosecuting his claim in due form of law.
    The said land is therefore, according to law, entered upon Public Records, to belong to the grantee of the said William Phelps, Sen., his heirs and assigns forever.
        Henry Woecott, Register and Selectman.
        Benjamin Newbury, Commissoner.”
    Many records of purchase and sale of land by Mr. William Phelps are recorded in the land records of Windsor.
    Says Dr. Stiles, “He was one of the most prominent and highly respected men in the colony. An excellent, pious, and upright man in his public and private life, and was truly a pillar in Church and State.” And he might have added, one of the fathers and founders of this now ocean-bound Republic.
    Mr. Phelps married for his second wife Mary Dover, in 1638. She was an English lady, and one of the passengers of the ship, Mary and John, and was a member of the Dorchester and Windsor Church. By her he had two children.
 After a residence of forty-two years in New England, thirty-six of which were spent in Windsor, he died there July 14th, and was buried July 15th, 1672, in his 73rd year, honored and respected by all. His wife died there November 27th, 1675.

Will: From The Phelps Family of America, 116by Oliver S. Phelps & Andrew T. Servin, Pittsfield, MA, 1899, pages 84-85.
    The following is the last Will and Testament of Mr. William Phelps, or properly speaking, his Settlement Deed. From Windsor Records.
    “These presents testify, that I, William Phelps, of Windsor, on Connecticut, in consideration of a marriage concluded between my son Timothy, on the one part, and Mary, the daughter of Edward Griswold, on the other part; have given and granted, and by these presents do give and grant unto my son, that he, the said Timothy, shall jointly enjoin and possess, together with me, all my houseing, lands and accommodations, as also all my estate, both real and personal, both within door and without, with all the property emoluments, products, and income of the same, during my material life: And my said son is to inhabit and dwell in my house, with me and my wife, in joint way; and that it shall continue during my material life; and if my wife shall survive me, she have and enjoy in a joint way with my son the estate for her maintainence as before expressed. But if my wife chooses to settle in any place and to leave the house, then my son shall pay yearly to my wife, the sum of ten pounds during her material life, and in case I myself in my life time, or my wife after my decease, in her lifetime while she abides, to inhabit with my said son Timothy, she see cause or desire it, I do reserve power both for myself and for her, after my decease to dispose a barrel or two of cider and some apples yearly, without any harm to the premises, and likewise I do reserve like liberty for myself and my wife, to dispose of my wearing apparel, and whom we shall meet to enjoy them after our decease. Also I do give full power of bequeathing the great brass pan at her decease and my son Timothy is to carry the improvements of the whole Estate, and to order and dispose of the stock, so far as the necessity of our subsistance shall require, and after my decease and the decease of my wife, my said son Timothy shall have and enjoy all my whole Estate fore mentioned to him and his heirs forever; always provided that in case my said son Timothy shall die and leave no natural heirs begotten by him, that shall either not attain the age of twenty one years or marry, then the one-half of my lands excepting the orchard and pasture down to the bridge, that goeth into the meadow; also the upper pasture by the house that shall belong to the house, shall return to William, the son of my son Samuel. Also my son Timothy is to pay out of the Estate: Imprimis to discharge my daughter Mary, with that which is paid, the sum of thirty-four pounds, which is the full portion I allow her. To my son William twenty shillings, to Samuel ten pounds, to Nathaniel fifteen pounds, to Joseph five pounds—these legacies to my sons to be discharged within two years of my decease.
    In consideration of the premises we both have hereunto set our hands this 22nd day of April Anno Dom. 1660.
    Witness to the signatures: Daniel Clark, William Phelps, James Alford, Timothy Phelps.
    Entered on the Windsor, Conn., Register, July 26th, 1672. Mathew Grant, Register.”
Ca 1617 William first married Mary in England.114 Mary died in Crewkerne, Somerset in Aug 1626. Buried on 13 Aug 1626 in Crewkerne, Somerset.114
Their children include:
William Phelps (ca 1618-17 Feb 1681/2)
Samuel Phelps (ca 1621-15 May 1669)
(infant) Phelps (Died soon) (ca 1623-1623/4)
Dea. Nathaniel Phelps (ca 1624/5-27 May 1702)
On 14 Nov 1626 William second married Anne Dover in Crewkerne, Somerset.114 Born in England. Anne died in Windsor, CT on 30 Aug 1689.114

Ann was a passenger on the Mary and John with William.
Their children include:
Cornelius Phelps (ca 1627-)
Joseph Phelps (Twin) (ca 1628-bef 5 Mar 1683/4)
Mary Phelps (Twin, died young) (ca 1628-bef 1629)
Mary Phelps (Died young) (ca 1629-bef 1644)
Sarah Phelps (mid 1630s-10 Jul 1659)
Lieut. Timothy Phelps (1 Sep 1639-bet 2 Mar 1716 and 28 Sep 1719)
Mary Phelps (ca 1644-13 Feb 1725/6)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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